Try the unofficial Left 4 Dead 2 patch.unable to execute command left4dead2 exe steam2-patch.6.13. Unable To Execute Command Left4dead2 Exe Steam2 I have been running L4D2 for 3 years on my Arch Linux Machine. unable to execute command left4dead2 exe steam2. Play the game but be jarateed that you don’t have your gore anymore but hay it works. Who has experience in this area, please help.Right click on L4D2 and click on properties.Tick ‘full control’, press OK twice to get out of the properties tabs.You then click on OK once again which will bring up the security tab.Click on admin in the owner tab which will swap the owner to the administrator then click OK.Go to the security tab at which point it’ll say ‘To continue, you must be an administrative user with permission to view this object’s security properties’ at which point you click continue.Right-click the folder, go to properties. Unable To Execute Command Left4Dead2 Windows 7 Click Start.It’ll come up with ‘You don’t currently have permission to access this folder’ at which time you keep pressing continue until it says you’ve been denied. Try to open the folder and it should fail (if it doesn’t, you have a different problem).Navigate to your windows folder (usually c:/windows/).Left 4 Dead 2 (L4D2) quit / crash to desktop (CTD) fix